Document Of OpenCart Custom Invoice PDF Template

create and edit order custom invoice pdf

Order invoice has product and pricing information about the purchase. It is given in PDF file format. As a pdf file is a non-editable file. In an e-commerce website every time people place an order, a PDF invoice is sent to the customer’s email ID. That’s how our OpenCart custom invoice module works. You can check how the pdf invoice extension is working and its settings.

This extension has a lot of settings so that the admin can create a new invoice template for the OpenCart website. Where admin can decide to show or hide elements that are not required anymore or change the invoice text color to match your brand. Moreover, this module lets the admin add custom fields/blocks on top or bottom of the invoice so that the website can write additional important information about the service. It works with  OpenCart 2.x and 3.x versions perfectly.


All the extensions of OpenCart have standard installation instructions. TMD follows the OpenCart guideline to create themes and modules that can be installed, activated, and start working within a few minutes.

You can follow this OpenCart extension installation step-by-step instructions to this extension install on your website. After activating this extension. Follow the Below guide to set up of custom invoice PDF file.

General Setting

Order pdf invoice general setting in OpenCart

In the General Setting, the module allows you to select the order status when the invoice will be generated. All the order statuses will be shown in the list, and the admin can select only those order statuses on which the PDF invoice will be created.

All the statuses come from the default OpenCart order status, as well as new statuses created by the admin. Additionally, the admin can choose the default language of the invoice from all the active languages.

This setting lets the admin decide how and when this OpenCart pdf invoice module generates the pdf invoice. It also enables invoices to be attached to the customer and admin email when an order is placed on the website.

Status: Disabling the status makes the module stop working. All the settings will remain saved. But it won’t generate the PDF invoice. Enable it again to make the module work.

Invoice Language:  All the active languages will show in the list. Admin must select the one language in which OpenCart custom invoice pdf will be created.

NOTE: This extension only checks the language from the setting, neglecting the user-selected language while they place the order.

Attach PDF On Status: It is important to note when the invoice pdf will be generated. All the order statuses will be shown in the list. Admin can select only those order statuses on which pdf invoice will be created.

Attach Invoice With Mail: By default, OpenCart 3 custom invoice only shows the invoice PDF file download option on the customer order list. But this setting will attach the invoice to the customer’s email when they get the order confirmation email.

Copy For Admin: This setting can be used to update the admin about the order. Whenever an invoice is sent to the customer, an invoice will also be sent to the admin.

Layout Setting For Invoice Template

This setting is used to define what information will be added to the invoice and select the colors for the text and product table. It also lets the admin print the QR and Bar code on the invoice.

The Layout Setting allows you to define what information will be added to the invoice and select the colors for the text and product table. It also lets the admin print the QR and Bar code on the invoice.

The admin can also manage the information about the product shown on the invoice to make it more informative and remove unwanted information. All these options have enabled and disabled toggle.

There are more settings given. Please check them below.

Product Information Show And Hide In OpenCart Custom Invoice

In this setting, the admin manages the information about the product shown on the invoice to make the invoice more informative and remove unwanted information. All these options have enabled and disabled toggle.

When enable status is selected then that information will display and disabled status will hide the product information on the invoice.

admin pdf invoice elements layout setting in opencart

Product Image: the primary image of the product

Product Name: the title of the product

Model: model name of the product

Unit Price: the price of the product – with the option(s) if selected and other things

Quantity: product quantity mentioned while placing order.

Display Total With Tax: Total cost of products + shipping or payment charges (if present) + tax (if present).

Additional: If the admin wants to display more information about the product then there are 10 options are available. Select the one from the drop-down. It will be printed on the invoice.

Options are description, product ID, weight, tax (unit), tax(total), SKU, UPC, EAN, MPN, ISBN, and location.

Show Scannable: QR Or Bar Code

OppnCart custom invoice show qr code module

OpenCart pdf invoice module has two types of Bar codes and QR codes.  It will be auto-created by the extension. and print on the invoice. Admin can select the one in which they are comfortable.

Four option product id, SKU, UPC, and EAN have been given. Select the one which will be used to create the QR or Bar code.

Add Watermark, Logo, And Define Product Information Layout

The module allows you to add a watermark, and logo, and define the product information layout. The admin can also define the product size and color to create the OpenCart 3 custom invoice.

It also allows you to update the color theme of the OpenCart PDF invoice. There are four paper layout options available, including A4 and A4 landscape, A5 and A5 landscape, Legal and legal landscape, and letter and letter landscape.

give product size and color to create opencart 3 custom invoice

Product Image Size

Enter the size of the product image height and width in pixels. It accepts values in float, integer, and decimal. A new product image will automatically create at run time according to a given size by this module.

Update The Color Theme Of OpenCart PDF Invoice

The setting lets the admin update the color of invoice text, background, product information text, border color, etc.

  1. Main text: text written on the invoice.
  2. Title: title of invoice.
  3. Table head background: product detail is present in the table form. The color will apply to the heading section background of the table.
  4. Table head text: it will apply to product detail table headings such as product name, quantity, unit price, etc.
  5. Table borders: product table border color.

Add Watermark

It is good to have the image as a watermark on the invoice to void unwanted circumstances. Admin can select the image. OpenCart custom invoice module will add the selected image as the background image that will exactly look like a watermark.

Add Logo In the OpenCart Invoice

Having the logo of the company or website makes the invoice more authoritative and can be used for legal purposes. Select the logo from the image gallery, It will be placed on the top of the invoice.

Print Order Invoice

write the prefix text of name of OpenCart custom pdf invoice

This setting contains how the invoice will print and write the footer note if needed. According to these settings, invoice design will be done. When a customer or admin tries to print the invoice. It will be printed perfectly on paper.

Filename Prefix:  Write the text that will appear before the invoice file name. It may be your company or website name for example TMD_Write the “_” at the end of the text. It will use a prefix of the invoice file name. A random name of the invoice will be generated by extension.

The final invoice file name will be Prefix+module_generated_text.pdf When the admin and customer both download the order invoice file then the file name will be as described above.

Paper Format: There are 4 types of paper available. The landscape mode of printing style is given. Select the one which is used in your country. The paper formats are

  1. A4, A4 landscape.
  2. A5, A5 landscape.
  3. Legal, legal landscape.
  4. Letter, letter landscape.

Footer:  If the admin wants to show the additional information at the bottom of the invoice. The footer section is the right place to write. The written text will be automatically added at the bottom. Make sure you write a little information. Else invoice will go to the second page if the length of the text is bigger.

Custom Setting – Add Custom Fields/Blocks On Invoice In OpenCart

add custom block of data in order pdf invoice in OpenCart

This is an additional option given in the OpenCart 3 custom invoice module. This setting lets the admin create an extra block that can show on either the top or bottom of the invoice. If the admin wants to show additional information then these blocks are handy. There is no limit to characters.

Add additional fields on top or bottom of the invoice, where the admin can write the important information. it will print on the invoice.

Custom Tab Status: These custom blocks can be shown or hidden by changing their toggle to enable or disable. This applies to all the custom blocks created by the admin.

Position: Two positions have been given to place the custom fields/blocks in invoice design. Top and bottom. Admin must select either one. If the admin selects the bottom, then it will be shown after the footer note.

Add Fields/Block: By clicking the add block button, it will create the block with a title, and description. The description has a WYSIWYG editor. Admin can write simple text or HTML/CSS to have more styling. Automatically adds custom fields on opencart invoices.

Every time, the admin clicks on the add block button. a new block creates. Also, to delete the block click on the [-] minus icon present left side of the block name.


Can I create a new invoice template In OpenCart Using this module?

Yes, it does. This OpenCart pdf invoice extension lets the admin change the default opencart invoice template to a new one. It consists of a setting that takes 5-10 min to configure. It allows you to update the color theme, add a header and footer, show product information with QR codes, and more. Basically, this will change invoices in opencart forever.

How to add the custom field to the OpenCart invoice template?

This module has a setting called blocks. Admin can add as blocks on header and footer. The block has a title and description. The WYSIWYG editor present in the description field to write the HTML or text. These blocks are also known as custom fields.

Can i decide what product information will be displayed on the invoice?

It is always good to show the correct information in the invoice about the product. The OpenCart custom invoice extension contains the option to select the information you want to display on the OpenCart invoice.

Product name, image, model, unit price, quantity, display total with tax, options, weight, tax (unit), tax(total), SKU, UPC, EAN, MPN, ISBN, and location, etc. are options that can select to show the invoice.


An OpenCart Custom Invoice PDF Module is a useful tool for generating professional order invoices. It allows you to customize the invoice layout, choose when the invoice is generated, and add additional information to the invoice.

the OpenCart Custom Invoice PDF Module is a powerful tool for generating professional order invoices. It provides a wide range of customization options, including layout settings, language, and additional fields, making it an ideal choice for any e-commerce store.

This is a working explanation of our PDF invoice module. If you have any pre-sale questions or looking for support, please create a support ticket.

You can buy this OpenCart pdf invoice extension from the official OpenCart website.

Also, visit our website for more OpenCart themes and extensions. We have built more than 250+ modules and 30+ themes for OpenCart.

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