15 Best HTML & Website Templates For Small Business And Food Store

website templates

HTML templates and website templates are the most widely used and ready-to-use templates for developing websites.

And these templates provide an incredible opportunity for programmers and designers to implement solutions and technologies for businesses.

Today business owners need customized websites so website templates have incredible solutions for easy and quick adoption.

HTML and website templates also work wonders for small businesses to get an understanding of how they can really implement a website.

These templates usually add value for web designers and web programmers to quickly design websites for businesses using a framework.

So the modern-day web development and web programming without the use of HTML and Website templates could be a time-consuming process.

How HTML Website Templates Work?

HTML templates usually need a framework to become operational as a full-blown website.

HTML templates are pre-designed templates so much of the work is already supported by the template.

So templates usually provide a big opportunity for web designers and programmers to save time while developing websites with HTML templates.

In other words, web designers and programmers do not need to build everything from scratch because a pre-built design is already available for use.

However, these templates work best with dynamic technologies such as WordPress, OpenCart, PrestaShop, and Magento, etc.

And make web development easier for customers.

Here Are 15 Website And HTML Templates Ready To Put To Work

1. Grocery Supermarket Store Website HTML Templates

Vegsu – Grocery Supermarket website HTML Templates has a fresh new elegant design. The template follows today’s trend and tries to give you all the features that must present on a vegetable eCommerce website.

The template is created in HTML5 and Css3, the latest version of Bootstrap. which can be used for vegetables, bakery products, and food items on the website, and much more. A Vegetable HTML template let you sell all item together. It is a complete package for e-commerce websites with the light color theme

The Website templates have all pages that must be present or should be necessary. It consists of 2 types of the home page with a different – different layout which gives People to choose more selectively according to their needs. Included a total of 26 HTML files that can be easily customized.

The HTML template contains 4 sections of product and offers on the home page, category, and sidebar category. The template is created with the semantic CSS library. It is open-source with good documentation. Any HTML developer can make changes easily. Semantic CSS has in-built components like bootstrap.

Additional Pages are also created for these HTML templates. Additional pages are 404 pages, FAQ, blog, blog single page, coming soon, offer, logout, privacy policy, term, and condition. These pages show how a website owner is caring for their user and gives a user-friendly website.

2. Responsive Multi-Purpose Html Templates

Westy is a beautifully handcrafted, pixel-perfect multi-purpose website Html template. Based on customization & design with great attention to detail, flexibility, and performance.

Westy responsive multi-purpose HTML5 template created with BootStrap. it’s a highly creative design, fast loading, search engine optimized, efficiently & well organized coded, well documented, and fully responsive.84+ HTML demo pages included with Westy responsive multi-purpose HTML5 template.

It is suitable for agency & business consult, business corporate, creative portfolio, blog, cryptocurrency, event, app landing, e-commerce, online shops, trendy shop, architecture, real estate business, and much more.

Westy responsive multipurpose HTML template comes up with 18+ homepage Demo, 66+awesome page layout, great & clear blog layout, and complete Project with inner page design.

Features of this website HTML templates include.

A complete education course template.
Highly responsive looks good in desktop, laptop, mobiles
SEO optimized.
Modern blog design.
Almost all listing category designs are covered.
Special pages like error 404 Page, and other pages.
Bootstrap 4.
Retina ready and so much more…

3. Organic Food and Fruits Template

Organic food and fruits are a modern template and focused on niche design. We have done an analysis existing website as the customer’s point to get a better understating of what must be included in the template which will make your profit double and get grab the customer’s focus on products only. The template also takes care, while shopping, customers do not distract here and there.

The template gives you an offer to start online selling fresh foods and fruits. The template is consists of an elegant design. The template is based only on organic food and fruits and has all the necessary design element that makes it a perfect design template. The template has 4 Layout of the homepage which provides you with a make sure layout that is suitable for your requirement and select that layout as homepage and use it.

The template covered all important pages like the shop page, product page, cart page, checkout page, confirmation login, and register. Additionally template also focus on other section like a blog, testimonial, FAQ, 404 error page.

The template also contains 4 header and footer layouts that add more flexibility to choose from. You can select one header and footer out of four and can use it on the production website. It gives you the flexibility to customize the theme as per your requirements.

Want to make changes or do you want to add new content to the website templates? if yes then the template will give you the facility to do these things easily.

4. Education Online Courses Template

Education online courses template is suitable for education courses and learning management system websites. The template includes 15 pages.

The template also consists of the event list and details page. Students can register and log in and access their assigned courses.
This does not end here, the template also has a nice design blog section. Also have special pages like about us, FAQ, 404 error page. Edu Course HTML template can be used to convert any framework and start the website easily.

This template is built with Bootstrap 4.

If you are thinking to start an Education Course portal online then you are in the right place. Our Education Course HTML template makes your dream to reality. It contains features that count for the single penny you will spend to buy this template.

Also, take care of the blog section. These days, blogging has its own importance for content marketing or giving information about a new product or service to your user.

This template is packed with attractive features such as:

A Complete Education Course Template.
Highly responsive looks good on desktop, laptop, mobiles.
SEO optimized.
Modern blog design.
Almost all listing category designs are covered.
Special pages like Error 404 Page, and other pages.
Bootstrap 4.
Retina ready.
All photoshop files included and much more.

5. Restaurant food and Drink Website Templates

Restaurant food and drink template is a unique Restaurant HTML Template and is beautifully designed for your restaurant. You can also use this template for your bakery, cafe. The template gives you all the features to convert your visitor into a customer and increase your sales.

This does not end here, the theme has a nice design blog Section. Also have special pages like menu review page, shopping info, cart page, payment method page, Thank you, page, after payment is done, about us, gallery, contact us. Restaurant food and drink templates can be used to convert any framework and start the website easily.

If you are thinking to start a restaurant then you are right place. Our restaurant food and drink template make your dream to reality. It contains features that count for the single penny you will spend to buy this template.

The template included 23 pages. Besides it, each page is easy to use and custom, feel free to work with it.
Also, take care of the blog section. Blog pages are designed very carefully and have an elegant design. These days, blogging has its own importance for content marketing or giving information about a new product or service to your user featuring.

Clean and professional design.
Working ajax contact form.
Cross-browser compatible.
Fully responsive one page.
Based on Bootstrap v3.3.7.
Fresh and clean code.
Sticky navigation.
W3C valid source code.
Google fonts support.
The font is awesome.
Flat icon fonts.
Well documented.
Free support & updates and much more.

6. Classified Spot Website Html Templates

The classified Spot Html template is designed very carefully and has an elegant design. Included with 33 pages. The website templates consist of these category page design vehicle category mobiles category, electronics category, real estate category, fashion category, furniture category, jobs category, services category, pets category, education category, matrimony category.

The rheme consists of a search and a powerful filter for the tour so that users can search for the information they are looking for. The theme also has 3 home page layouts.

This does not end here, the theme has a nice design blog section. Also have special pages like about us, FAQ, 404 error page. A classified spot HTML template can be used to convert any framework and start a website easily.

So if you are thinking to to create a classified spot theme then you are right place. Our classified spot HTML template makes your dream to reality. It contains features that count for the single penny you will spend to buy this template.

Also, take care of the blog section. These days, blogging has its own importance for content marketing or giving information about a new product or service to your user.

This Theme is packed with features such as:

Highly responsive website HTML templates look good on desktops, laptops, mobiles.
SEO optimized.
Modern blog design.
Almost all listing category designs are covered.
Show tour guide.
Special pages like the error 404 pages, and other pages.
Bootstrap 3.
Retina ready.
All Photoshop files included.
Convert PSD template into any agriculture product selling website.

7. Charity – Plus HTML Templates

Charity – Plus Html templates have an elegant and modern design style. The template is designed gracefully for nonprofit Organizations. Template follows all charity organization guidelines to meet all requirements and provide the features. A template helps organizations to get crowdfunding. The HTML template will help you to build an awesome site for the charity, get donations, fund-raising easily on the website.

Charity – Nonprofit organization Html template consists of 23 pages of elegant but attractive designs. Because of the free icons and fonts used in this template, any designer can make changes to the template easily. The template is easy to convert into any type of website like WordPress, Joomla, static HTML, custom framework. Html files are fully layered and simply customization, all elements are in a group and can easily identify by the group name as well.

This Html template comes with these features

23 PSD Files included.
Modern and creative design.
Bootstrap ready.
Pixel perfect design.
Retina ready.
Uses free elegant font icons.
Uses free fonts (Google Fonts).
All CMS compatible design.
Documentation included.

8. Luxury Spa and Beauty Website Html Templates

Luxury Spa and Beauty Html template follows the latest trends of design and provides a complete solution for websites created for beauty products or spa-based. Templates have an elegant design and will give your website fresh looks and boost your sales by 30%. Checkout out our template and if you like. Please do not forget to rate the template.

The template has followed all the necessary pages for spa and beauty websites. Template focus on beauty products only. And designed for only beauty and spa websites. Because of the free icons and fonts used in this template, Any designer can make changes to the template easily. The template is easy to convert into any type of website like WordPress, Joomla, static HTML, custom framework.

The HTML template comes with these features.

25 PSD Files Included.
Modern and Creative Design.
Pixel Perfect Design.
Retina Ready.
Well, Layered & Grouped can be identified with ease.
Uses free Elegant Font Icons.
Uses free Fonts (Google Fonts).
All CMS Compatible Design.
Documentation included.

9. Travel Website Html Templates

Travel Html template gives you all the features to convert your visitor into a customer and increase your sales. It is included with the tour list and tour booking. The template consists of a search and powerful filter for the tour so that users can search for their desired tour and can buy right from your website. It is a complete travel website theme. The theme also consists of a mega footer. We did not stop here. The theme also has 4 home page layouts.

This template has a nice design blog section. Also have special pages like about us, FAQ, 404 error page. Travel Html template can be used to convert any framework and start a website easily.

if you are thinking to to create a travel template then you are right place. Our travel Html template makes your dream to reality. It contains features that count for the single penny you will spend to buy this template.

Travel Html template included 18 pages. Using different – different headers and footers you can show your website more attractive. Sometimes we need to show different header and footers for the support page and forum pages. This template will let you do.

Also, take care of the blog section. Blog pages are designed very carefully and have an elegant design. These days, blogging has its own importance for content marketing or giving information about a new product or service to your user.

10. Job Portal Website HTML Templates

One who is looking to create a JOB PORTAL website and seeking cool and niche design for their requirement, then this template is made for you. Job portal Html template design is classy and has all specifications that need in a perfect job portal website must-have.
Job portal Html template has all page designs such as the search page for jobsjob details page, job category list pageapply for a job.  The template also includes submitting a job from the front end.
So new companies can add their job to the website to get job seekers to apply for jobs and employee can see their applied job status. Companies can manage job listings. We have designed a login and register page for employees and companies.
There is also a blog section in the template. The website can give their new service detail in the blog section. Job Portal Html template has 4 headers as well as 4 footers. This gives you more advantage over regular templates present in the market. Job Portal Html template will let you do all the work and it gives you the flexibility to customize the template as per your requirements. Job portal Html template has all the features that must be present in the JOB website.
Job Portal Html template included with 15-page layouts. Using different – different headers and footers you can show your website more attractive. Sometimes we need to show different headers and footers for the support page and forum pages. This template will let you do it for you.
Job Portal Html template also takes care of the blog section. Blog pages are designed very carefully and have an elegant design. These days, blogging has its own importance for content marketing or giving information about a new product or service to your user.

11. Creative Portfolio HTML Template

Creative Portfolio HTML template has a fresh new elegant design. The template follows today’s trend and tries to give you all the features that must present on a Portfolio website. The template is created in HTML5 and Css3, the latest version of Bootstrap. which can be used for Personal photo portfolios, selling photos and videos on the website, and much more. Creative portfolio HTML template gives you feature to show your personal photos and videos or sell your personal photos and videos that is what Today’s needs

The template has all pages that must be present on a portfolio website or should be necessary. Creative portfolio HTML template consists of 4 types of the home page with different – different header and footer which gives people to choose more selectively according to their needs. Included a total of 17 HTML files that can be easily customizable.

The template contains the portfolio section on the home page, portfolio, and portfolio single page. The portfolio page consists of a banner and portfolio section that allows people to add portfolio categories and show portfolios accordingly. Additionally, the template contains the e-commerce part for those people who are e-commerce Our design has an e-commerce part.

Additional pages creative portfolio HTML template contains additional pages like 404 page, features, FAQ, blog, blog single page. These pages show how a website owner is caring for their user and gives a user-friendly website.

12. Fashion eCommerce Html Template

Fashion eCommerce Html template suitable for all types of blog and eCommerce websites. its have 11 pages which help user help to make fully eCommerce with blog website. Its have multiple headers, footer, and different page layout.

Home page.
Home page V2.
Home page V3.
Category page.
Category right side page.
Product page.
Testimonial page.
Gallery page.
Blog page.
Blog single page.
Contact page.
Typography page.

13 Complete Multipurpose eCommerce Html Template

The Complete Solution – Multipurpose eCommerce Html template is suitable for all types of blog and eCommerce websites.  It has 6 layouts and 90 PSD formats which help users to make fully e-commerce with blog website. It also has multiple headers, footers, and different pages layout.

The features of multipurpose eCommerce HTML templates consists of
Home page.
Header v1.
Header v2.
Header v3.
Header v4.
About page.
Blog Page.
Blog Detail Page.
Blog Search Page.
Category Page v1.
Category Page v2.
Category Page v3.
Category Page v4.
Checkout Page.
Contact page.
Faq Page.
Search Page.
Search Result Page.
Search Not Found Page.
Single Page.
Product Details Page.
Full-Width Page.
Left Sidebar Page.
Right Sidebar Page.

14 Menda – eCommerce Html Template

Menda ECommerce Html template is well designed and well structured. Files and Folders are also maintained in a specific structure. All HTML files are present outside and other files like .css and JavaScript files are placed inside CSS and js folders respectively.

Features of the eCommerce website templates consist of :
Responsive & modern design.
Bootstrap 3.3.x
Valid HTML5 & CSS3.
Unique elements.
Easy customization.
Listing grid view.
Listing full page.
Blog gird view.
Blog full screen.
Unique contact us.
Sidebar & widget bar menu.
Google font & icons.
Excellent detailed documentation.

15. Real Estate Html Template

Real Estate – a Creative, blog, real estate listing, and professional HTML template, fully responsive and looks great on all types of screens and devices. Our website templates are perfect for listing, bloggers, directories.

Features of the real estate Web:
Responsive & modern design.
Bootstrap 3.3.x
Valid HTML5 & CSS3.
Unique elements.
Easy customization.
Listing grid view.
Listing full page.
Blog gird view.
Blog full screen.
Unique contact us.
Sidebar & widget bar menu.
Google font & icons.
Excellent detailed documentation.

Wrapping Up:

The above HTML Templates are some of the best website templates that any business can adopt.

These templates can also work as e-commerce websites or online marketplaces

But it depends on the type of business, every HTML and website template is designed for a specific business and the industry.

So you can choose the right template for you depending on your business requirement

And the industry or niche you are into.

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