7 Signs That Shows Your E-commerce Blog Is Getting Popular

e-commerce blog

E-commerce Blog writing directly influences your blog or website in terms of the number of users who spend time on your website or blog on a regular basis.

Blogging is not as easy as it seems these days as it used to be a few decades back.

Today there is a lot of competition and almost every niche that you would think uniquely is already covered by bloggers and big companies.

So this is one of the reasons why a lot of people fail to start blogging.

It is reasonable to pick a topic where you can scale a blog but finding a good niche is as important as your business in the long run.

Therefore if you are really passionate about e-commerce blogging and want to take your blogging to the next level.

Find content that is unique and uniqueness is the key to success in blogging.

Because as a blogger you need to bring your writing on the track where people would really love and enjoy reading your post.

This is possible not only by delivering values but also solely depending on the demand for the content that you publish for your readers.

Otherwise, it would be a mess and you would waste your time and energy in order to simplify your blog writing efforts.

And it could even become very frustrating and difficult for you to keep pace with the hard work that you are trying to put forth in this game.

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How to find success with E-Commerce blog writing?

E-commerce Blog writing is really easy when it comes down to your knees from your real-life experiences.

Because if you are already working in the same field you do not need to read on the topic to write something on a topic.

Your experience will seamlessly flow through you when you begin to write on a topic that you are really aware of.

Awareness is the first step to succeed in anything you want in life.

After you are aware of the things you want you only need to know how do you get it and dive deep into it to take all the actions required.

This will simply bring the best of you in you and you will feel the freedom to write effortlessly and affluently on the topic you want to write about.

It can be a business topic, a personal topic, a story, or your products and services.

I did not know anything about blogs and their importance in business until I found my passion for the internet.

When I started I was very much frustrated because no one used to read my post or content.

This is simply because I was not devoting much time to my blog.

Things take time, so to get some success in blogging you have to be consistent with your writing.

And this will really open up your blogging world.

Get a Blog Module for your E-Commerce Blog

If you are the owner of an OpenCart store.

It is also necessary for your business to set up a Blog in the first place.

And an OpenCart Blog Module will surely help you setup up your blog.

TMD has developed an Advance blog module for OpenCart Store Owners.

This blog module is created to provide an effective blogging platform that is simple and easy to manage.

It also provides a dashboard for the admin to view the overall number of categories posted and recent comments up to date.

So this will surely benefit you in your blog writing efforts.

7 Signs That Shows Your E-commerce Blog is Getting Popular

1. Keywords Ranking 

Ranking for a keyword is really hard if the keywords that you want to rank for is very competitive.

Especially in the e-commerce sector, you will find popular products that are really hard to rank for.

But do not worry, there are many more keywords where you can rank for your e-commerce products.

These are mostly long-form keywords that are less competitive but have a good search volume in the marketplace.

So if you are ranking on these keywords, it means a lot to your e-commerce business and your passion for writing will grow.

Because you will notice an increase in your traffic organically and an increase in click-through rate.

Therefore keyword ranking is the first step that shows that your blog is becoming popular.

2. Good Alexa Ranking 

Alexa is one of the best-known metrics when it comes to measuring the amount of traffic to a website.

The lower is your Alexa Rank the much better is your traffic.

Therefore if you have a good Alexa ranking, you should be proud of your writing.

Because it means that your audience has started to find you and they are interested in reading your blog.

And this is a positive signal for your e-commerce blog.

Therefore a good Alexa ranking is a sign that shows your blog writing and blog is getting popular.

And if you find a measurable increase in your Alexa rank this shows that your E-Commerce blog is surely getting the traffic.

The more traffic your blog derives the more will be your sales.

3. Guest Post Requests

One of the important trends that have become very popular in the blogging world is guest posting.

It is one of the components of business blogging that most bloggers and businesses use to attract targeted traffic to their websites.

Guest posting is also known as guest blogging which is a written piece of content that is used for publishing on other’s blogs.

Guest post not only increases search traffic to a site but also increase the domain authority of a site or blog.

Having said that, the guest post should be published on an authority site.

So if you have started receiving guest post requests from publishers, bloggers, or any other kinds of businesses you are going good.

That means your blog writing is providing some significance and importance that is impacting your readers.

And that is the reason why people are approaching you for guest post approval on your site.

4. Visible Blog Content on Google News

Google News is one of the most sought-after news sections where even businesses and bloggers want to get their articles. But it is not as easy as it might look.

If your blog or articles are showing up in Google news that means you have created a strong and exceptional sense of writing news articles for your blog or business.

Your blog can come in Google news once you acquire a thirst for writing news-related articles and be consistent with it.

Your blog can come up in Google news in either of the following ways.

Either you have registered your business website or blog in Google news and hence your articles started appearing.

Or you are a part of the brand mention that other people are writing about your blog.

And if their blog shows up on Google news your blog will also appear on the Google news section of the search engine.

Therefore if your e-commerce blog is appearing on Google news that means your blog and your blog writing is getting popular.

5. Increase in Organic Leads

If you are on Google News, and also you rank for some of the competitive keywords, and also you have a good Alexa rank.

You are definitely going to drive some of the traffic to your blog without much difficulty.

Therefore you will definitely start to drive leads for your business.

And this will influence your business in a huge way.

So if you are able to see this result you can think that your blog writing and your blog is getting popular for a targeted group of audience.

6. Increased Emails in your Inbox

If you start receiving emails from job seekers, job portals, or service providers it is also a sign that shows that your blog or business blog is getting popular.

Because most businesses will email you for services and some may email you if there are any job vacancies in your business.

This is simply because you become an authority in front of your audience.

So increase in emails from businesses and other organizations is also a sign that your blog is getting popular.

7. Getting Comments on your Blog

You will start to receive comments on your blog as you start to drive real traffic to your blog.

And once you start driving traffic to your site you will surely be able to see more comments on your blog.

Therefore, if you have permitted your audience to comment on your blog.

You will be able to see an increase in your comment related to your products or services and this shows that your blog is gaining good traction.

If you see you have no comments on your blog you need to think again about what possibly might go wrong.

So you need to rebuild your content to make an impact on your audience.

Most businesses go on writing and writing but they are not able to attract comments on their blog.

This is simply because they are not targeting the right audience.

So make sure you target the right audiences.

Thus you will continue to get comments on your blog and this reveals another sign of popularity.

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Every e-commerce business should focus on some form of writing to make their online marketing stronger.

Writing comes down in many forms such as articles, products, stories, scripts, essays, expository writings, and so on.

But one of the writings that are much-hyped in the SEO and business blogging world is blog writing.

E-Commerce Businesses who want to expand their online marketing base can take up blog writing services to improve their businesses.

Otherwise, you may also hire writers for your business.

And if don’t want to hire a business or a writer you should find some spare time for yourself.

So that you can write for your own e-commerce blog and make your product description and story better.

E-commerce businesses should focus on writing news and events and business topics that relate to their business.

The audience loves to hear about the latest product launch and events.

So you can make use of blog writing as one of the effective means to improve traffic to your blog.

This will also increase your authority as a writer and your business can scale significantly in terms of sales and ROI.


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