Reduce The Pain Of Customer Using OpenCart Social Login Module

TMD OpenCart Social Login Module

Social login on the website allows customers or users to create an account or login with ease. Customers can log in to your website using their social networking profiles. They do not worry to fill out the long registration form and then verify the email to start buying the product. OpenCart social login module is designed for all OpenCart versions websites just like Amazon, FlipKart, SnapDeal.

It helps to get the registration of the new user in just a few seconds. Due to the reduction in customer account creation and login, e-commerce websites have seen growth in their sales.

OpenCart social login extension adds a social login option to your website. It makes the customer interface of the website more attractive. Moreover, this extension helps the website to collect customer emails who use social login to login to your website.

Also, it reduces the work of the new customer email verification process as the social networking profiles of the customer are already verified. This will add plus point to the user experience interface.

OpenCart social login extension will help the customer to overcome the headache of remembering the password.
They will just click on the desired social networking website icon and login into your website easily. It is perfect na? Yes, it is.

Nice documentation makes the configuration of the OpenCart Social Login module is fairly easy. Admin can configure API access to each social networking website.

opencart social login module

Features of OpenCart social login module

This extension is compatible with the latest OpenCart version and lower versions too. Its sleek design makes it fit into the utmost themes. The icons of social networking websites resize according to screen sizes. Looks perfect on mobile, laptop, desktop, and mac screens. You can check the demo of OpenCart social login module, and also get it for your website.

Admin Setting of this module has a enable/disable option for each social networking website. Admin can enable only those social sites for customer login which is giving them benefits or whatsoever.

On the Front end, social networking website icons will be resized according to the given size in the admin. Icons selected by the admin will be auto-size according to the screen to show responsiveness.

Use custom icon
Give icon size
Enable or disable each social website
API keys information link


How to configure social login into OpenCart

This module is created with an easy interface. Keep in mind that many admins are not aware of social networking programming and its api.

  1. There is an official link of documentation of API and App information with all social sites
  2. Every site has its own separate configuration to remain other site’s configurations untouched
  3. In the setting tab, set the size of the width of the social networking icons. This size will apply to all social networking automatically.
  4.  Admin can also upload their own icon. This icon will replace the default icon and appear on the front end with the size that was configured in the setting tab. Regardless of a theme running on your site. Icons will look nice
  5. Each social networking site can enable/disable options present. Disable will use to hide the social site and saving the setting enabled, will show the social networking website icon on the site.

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Setting Tab

admin setting of social login opencart module


Admin can set the height and width of all social networking sites. This is applicable to all enabled social sites for login. There is also a global enable/disable option for this module. Whether the admin wants to use social login or not. The module name is just for the identification of the admin. it will not display on the front end.

Twitter And Other Social Networking Site Configuration

admin twitter setting for social login opencart module


The title used for the alternative text of the icon will help the search engine to know the icon acts as a login button for users. Admin can use the default icon provided by the module or can upload its own icon. Enter the correct key details will make the login icon work. If you are unaware of keys, then please click on the help link beside on key field. It will redirect the admin to twitter’s official guide page where you will find how to generate keys for the login button.

Configuration to creating a login button for social networking sites is almost the same. All admin needs to get api keys and secrete keys from respected sites.


If you are looking to convert your website into a seller platform where people will come and sell their products. The website gets a percentage on every sale. OpenCart POS – The Best Point of Sale Module will help you set up a multi-seller platform a payment method to a percentage setting. This extension is designed to plug and play settings, and the website will be ready within a day.

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