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People are always looking to buy items that could fit into their budget. E-commerce took the skyrocket to get a 1500% boost in the last 3 years. The larger number of sales comes from discounted products. OpenCart flash sale landing page will let you create one dedicated page that will only show the sale items that have a discount or items that have a higher sale or according to you.
Admin can manage the design, products, categories, attributes, and other things from the setting. Let’s go to the installation
The module installation in OpenCart has two ways. Please follow the guide for extension installation in OpenCart. This will help you to install the flash sale OpenCart extension on your website.
Go to admin and then install the module from the extension installer section.
Or If you have technical knowledge, you can upload the modules file according to its structure. It needs FTP/CPANEL/PLESK knowledge. if messed up anything. you will end with a broken website.
Creating A New Flash Sale Landing Page
After login into admin, You will find the flash sale menu in the left side menu section. Navigate to the flash sale landing page. Here you will see the list of landing pages you have created so far.
Page No | Page Title | Landing Page | Expiry Date | Status | Action |
Page Title → Title of the landing page.
Landing Page → Absolute Url of page.
Expiry Date → How many days or time are left before the landing page time come to end. The format is days | hours | minutes | seconds.
Status → The page is still working or disabled.
Action → It has an edit button that lets the admin edit the page.
Create a new sale landing page
To Create a new landing page click on [+] button located at the top-right of the page. It will bring you the most
General Setting
It contains the important settings that make the page enable or disabled. The page is visible to people or hides it.
Status → To enable the page move the toggle to ON. else toggle will be off
Enable For Users → This setting tells us whether the landing page is visible to all users or not.
Landing Page Title → It will be the title of the page. Admin can write the title in multi-languages.
Meta Tag Title → This title is used to show in search engines SERP and part of SEO. Users will still read the landing page title when they land on the page.
Meta Tag Description → It is also part of SEO. When search engines show the page in SERP then meta tag description is used.
Expiry Date → Enter the date when the sale offer expires. Offer must stay at least 24 hours.
Tabs Source
Discount → Enter the number it could be an integer or float. The entered number will be automatically converted into a percentage. For example, if you entered the 5 then it will become 5% And the discount will be ~automatically apply to selected products and categories~
We recommend you enter the integer number. It is easy to calculate the discount for customers.
Choose On Category → Enter the initial of the category name and matching categories will come into the drop-down. Select the categories. It will display in the main menu on the OpenCart flash landing page.
Product Name → It is the same as categories. Admin can select the products that will display on the landing page. Admin can select unlimited categories and products.
Show Sale Count → It is the sale count of the product. How many times is a product sold. Admin can show or hide the sale count number. It will display below the product image in the product list.
Show Sub Categories → When the user navigates to a category on the landing page, the sub-categories will show or hide.
Brands Fixed → All the brands will display on the landing page. Making the brand fix will make the brands fix on the page. While scrolling down the page, the brand will display on the left side always till the footer is reached. Else brand will remain at the top and while scrolling down, the brand section will go scroll up like other content.
Max no. of Products → Limit the number of to display on the category or landing page.
Only Discounted Products → If admin like to show only those products whose discount is enabled by admin. It will hide other products. Move the toggle to ON. Else change to off.
Order By → There are five options given. These are product id, price, date, name, and position.
Sort Order → Ascending and Descending. It will take the sort number assigned to products.
Layout Setting
OpenCart flash sale landing page module has given a lot of customization areas for the website. Admin can create the landing page design according to website color theme and expectation. It has a background image, logo, banner for mobile and desktop, how many products should display on the page, CSS code, etc.
It will help a website to maintain the look and feel of the website when users come to the landing page.
Body Background Image → Select the banner that will display on the background of the page. Make sure it is big enough to look good on all screens.
Body Background Repeat → The selected image should repeat or not. There are 4 options Repeat | Repeat horizontal | Repeat vertical | no Repeat. If the admin does not want to repeat it. then select the no repeat.
Body Background Position → If you want to align the background image to a specific location. There are 9 positions are given for the background.
These locations are Left- Top, Left-Center, Left-Bottom | Right- Top, Right-Center, Right-Bottom | Center- Top Center-Center, Center-Bottom.
Logo → It could be a website logo or you have created a new logo for the sale landing page. Then You can select that logo to display on the page.
Desktop Header Banner → The design of the landing page supports the header banner for desktop and mobile version design. Admin needs to select the banner and specify the size width and height of the banner to display in a number that is the pixel.
Mobile Header Banner → Mobile version of the page has its separate header banner section. Admin must select the banner which is only created for mobile view. Also, enter the size of the banner in the number that is pixels.
Product Image Size → The width and height of the product image are displayed in the grid view. It also applies to the category page and product section on the landing page.
Product Name Font Size → The text size of the product title, price, special price, etc. It will apply to all the product sections. It will apply as the pixel.
Product Name Length → If the product name is bigger then decide how many lines, the product name should display and the rest will be trimmed automatically by the flash sale OpenCart module. A maximum of three lines are given to display the product name.
Product Items Align → The alignment of products on the landing page. Either show in the center, right, or left in the grid view.
Out Of Stock Image Status →If product stock is finished and the product gets out of stock. It enables the admin either show the out-of-stock product or not.
Out Of Stock Image → Select the image that will display on the product, indicating that it is out of stock. If the out-of-stock product is enabled in the above setting. Then only this setting will apply.
Show amount reduction → Show the discount amount or not.
Reduction amount position → The alignment position of the discount amount to show after the product price.
Enable Countdown → The timer will show or hide on the flash sale landing page. It shows Days | Hours |Minutes | Seconds.
Custom CSS Code → This lets the admin write the CSS code for the design. The code will automatically be added to the landing page user CSS file. It can use to change the default design of the landing page.
Product Responsive View
It is an important setting that adjusts the products according to the screen. Admin can enter the number of products to show in one column. Select the product count carefully. You might end with a compressed layout that is not readable at all.
- Mobile View(max-width:550px)
- Tablet View(min-width:600px)
- Desktop View(min-width:1180px)
- Product Actions Button → You can select one button to display on the product View Button or Add To Cart.
Color Setting
Back To Site Button Style
- Button Background
- Text Color
- Button Hover Background
- Hover Text Color
Product Block Style
- SubCategory Title Bg color
- SubCategory Title Text Color
- ProductBox Border Color
- ProductBox Border Color on hover
- Product Name Color
Product Price
- Price color
- Old Price Color
- Reduction background
- Reduction color
Product Action Button
- Button Background
- Old Price Color
- Reduction background
- Reduction color
Product Action Button
- Button Background
- Button Hover Background
- Button Color
- Button Hover Color
Tabs Style
- Tab Background Color
- Tab Background Hover Color
- Tab Text Color
- Tab Text Hover Color
- Active Background Color
- Active Text Color
- Countdown Text Color
- Countdown Background
Footer Setting
Flash sale OpenCart landing page module has given the option to show or hide the footer from the setting. Admin can write the content and change the color of the entire footer.
Footer Status → Show or hide the footer by changing the toggle
Footer Background Color → Select the color from the JS color picker. The selected color will apply to the footer area
Footer Content → Admin can write the content in either text form or write the HTML/CSS format to add important information.
Flash sale OpenCart landing page module lets you write the SEO url. Admin can write the keyword. The keyword will be appended after the website domain name. And it will become the url of the landing page.
All the active languages will be shown with the country flag in the different text boxes. Admin must write keywords in the same language of a country whose flag is shown. For example
If your website has three languages English, Hindi, and Arabic installed and active. Then there will be three textboxes will appear with their country flag representing the country and language. The admin must write the keyword in the language of the of that country whose flag is showing.
Only those store will be displayed that is selected in the data tab. Admin can write different landing page URLs for different stores.
This is an advanced setting. It accepts the JavaScript code. Here admin can add the tracking code of Facebook pixel, Google Analytics Matomo, Piwi, etc. The code will automatically be inserted at the footer of the page. After that, you will able to collect the information through code.
Only add/write Javascript code whose functionality is clear to you. Else OpenCart flash sale landing module will stop working or the feature won’t work correctly. Because javascript code directly runs the browser when the landing page will load. Make sure you know what you are doing.
OpenCart flash sale landing page extension lets you create a separate landing page for your products. The website can easily create a separate landing page for each event like Black Friday, Christmas, New Year, Diwali, Holi, etc. Configure the page to auto-activate on event dates and deactivate after the events finish. It will save your sales team to do same the same work again every year.
Our company is the official partner of OpenCart. You can buy flash sale OpenCart extension from the official OpenCart website.
If you are looking for any kind of help with this extension or want to do customization on your OpenCart website. You can ask the pre-sale question too. Please create a TMD support ticket, our support team will help you to get the work done.
Meanwhile, you can head over to our website to check modules and OpenCart themes.